Brad & Bekah McDonald began their leadership journey together in 2010 as they helped launch and scale a training and development platform for emerging leaders. Leading small teams of insurgent, gritty operators; they served thousands of young leaders across the USA and Brazil.
We cut our teeth on leading, communicating and training key leadership principles and frameworks in a variety of environments from business to nonprofits to schools and colleges to churches and summer camps, building it as we were flying it.
What emerged from those early endeavors has been nothing short of a movement of leaders equipped with the tools to transform their spheres of influence for the common good and human flourishing.
Now we're asking, "What would it look like to develop 1 million leaders across the world?"
What is real? | We embrace reality by confronting the brutal facts of people and situations with both truth and compassion
What is trust? | We cultivate high trust Relationships with the utmost care, in order that they might endure throughout the seasons of life and business
What is flourishing? | We aggressively increase in wisdom–the intersection of knowledge and experience–in order that we might become all we are capable of being and serve at our highest and best use
What is possible? | We relentlessly pursue our dreams and we encourage and embolden our clients to create the world that they envision
What is excellence? | We give our best, all day every day, devoted to being an example of excellence in all we do, because our days are numbered